Saturday, February 13, 2010

Retrospectively speaking...

So for starters I'm pretty sure I just invented a new word. Anyway...I was looking back over my blog and realized that about 90% of it is very negative. Now I realize when I started it that the whole point of it was giving me a forum to vent when I needed it. But I should also use it to talk about the good things in my life. I definitely believe that things happen for a reason but I usually don't realize it until several days, weeks, months even years later. Every bad thing that has happened in my life (with the exception of my grandpa passing away) has eventually led to something good. For example...if Scott had never broken up with me I wouldn't have realized that I deserved better...and then I wouldn't have started dating Peter, who although he was a great guy was not the guy for me. So I would have never moved out East and missed the midwest and wanted to move back. I would never have ended up in Cincinnati and eventually met Glenn. God has a funny plan for all of us and sometimes (ok for me almost all of the time) we just aren't patient enough to see that plan. I could cut out almost all of the stress in my life if I just realized that no matter what I do...he has a plan for me. I have really been trying lately to believe in that plan and not stress out about things that I have no control over. I get stressed out over stuff at work that I have no control over. I get stressed out about trying to have a baby which I really have very little control over. I am a worry wart!!! When something happens my brain automatically thinks of the worst case scenario. If Glenn doesn't text me when he gets to work and then I can't reach him at his desk I assume he got in an accident. That has never happened and I have no reason to think that it will happen but I still think it. goal for the next few weeks is to really work on seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. Then when it's overflowing I can really celebrate!!!!!