Monday, September 15, 2008

We're Not in Kansas Anymore...

So the tri-state was hit with the aftermath of Hurricane Ike yesterday. Glenn and I were at the Bengals game watching them suck. There were sustained winds up to 50 mph and gusts reaching 75 mph. I've never seen or felt anything like it. Debris was flying everywhere. It was quite comical to watch people try and make it up the stairs with nachos, popcorn and even beer. No one made it to their seat with their purchase completely in tact. Dumb asses!!! So after watching the pathetic display of football by the Bungles we made our way back to our car. OMG!!! The smallest piece of sand felt like a golf ball. We didn't have any idea how bad it was until we started driving home and saw all of the damage on the way home. There were large trees that were completely uprooted and even on top of people, power lines down every where and over 800,000 people without power. We headed home and feared the worse only to be surprised to find out we had power and had very minimal damage. We were one of the lucky ones. Work was closed today because of power loss so Glenn and I enjoyed relaxing for the morning and then headed to Lowe's to get some flowers. We've been planning to fix up the front of the house for awhile and figured no better time than today. The front yard looks a hundred times better and we've only just begun. To anyone out there reading...I hope you enjoy so far.


Bethie said...

Sissy, I'm sooooo glad you and my bestest didn't blow away yesterday I would have missed you!

Anonymous said...

Flowers! Awesome! Can't wait to see.

Anonymous said...

You are too cool to be blown away by some lame storm

Theresa said...

Yay for your blog! Good to hear you guys are okay from the storm that was Ike. He caused havoc in my work world and I did not like it. Can't wait to see pictures of the house!