Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving #2, 3, 4 and 5 was officially Thanksgiving. We managed the long drive yesterday with no problems. Kona did fantastic on the drive. He either slept or layed in my lap. Last night I got my hair cut/colored and then we hung out with my dad. Today we all slept in a little and then started the tour of Thanksgiving Day visits. First we stopped by my dad's girlfriends house where Kona tried to make friends with Indi the golden retriever who's 4 times his size. Then we went to my mom's before finally heading to my grandma's. Once there we hung out and played games before finally stuffing ourselves with food. And then we played some more games. A family tradition of "officially inviting someone" into the family is playing a little game called Psychiatrist. Glenn was the Psychiatrist and he played it with good spirits. And I think he figured out "our problem" faster than anyone else has. After a few rounds of Catch Phrase we went over to my Aunt Terri's to visit for a little before heading home for some much needed sleep. I would definitely say that my family's Thanksgiving is a little more dysfunctional but all the same they love me and Glenn just the same. I hope everyone had as good of a day as he did. Happy Gobble Gobble to all!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving #1

So...tonight we had Glenn's parents, grandma and aunt and uncle over for dinner. It was a full Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. We cleaned the entire house, had a full spread and Glenn even made a pumpkin cheesecake to top it off. Why is this such a big deal??? This will be the first holiday that Glenn has missed. Yes...he hasn't missed a single holiday in 29 years. That's what happens when you date someone who is from the town you move to and who went to college there. There was no reason to miss a holiday. I have lived all over the country and because of this obviously have missed several holidays. So...what is the point of this??? I have the best of both worlds. Not only do I get to look forward to going home and seeing my parents, grandparents, friends and extended family (ok, truly only looking forward to some)...but I also got to have a wonderful evening tonight. I've never experienced a small family holiday dinner. Between my two sides my family numbers close to 90. Yet having just the 7 of us here tonight felt just as perfect. His family realizes that this is the first holiday that he is missing and they realize that it is because of me...yet luckily for me, they realize that this is a good thing. They realize that he is beginning a wonderful new chapter in his life and that they are welcoming a new addition to their family. Since day one I have felt like I have been welcomed with open arms. I have always looked forward to spending time with his parents, sister or extended family. They are truly a wonderful family and I can't wait until I am officially part of them. With that being is time to finish cleaning up and get to bed so we can get up and pack for the big trip home with the puppy. Our first Thanksgiving at our house, his first holiday away from home, and Kona's first true road trip. Awwwwwww...look at us and our big grown up family...LOL.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Needles, Needles are no fun...

Unless of course they make the pain go away!! For those of you who don't know I was in a fairly bad car accident almost 8 years ago. Since then I have tried just about everything to get rid of, or at least decrease, my back pain. I've done chiro, therapy (physical and mental...LOL), tens units, vicodin, percocet, and an injection in my SI joint. Nothing has helped!!! The pain might decrease slightly but never goes away. So I went back to my doctor again and said we need to try something new because my deductible is met and I want relief. So he decided to order a nerve block to see if it helped. They actually did two blocks, the L-4 and L-5 nerve roots. The injections themselves weren't too bad. Felt like several long bee stings. The doctor who performed the injection said if I got relief from the injection they would perform a 2nd one within 2-3 weeks. If that provided relief they would do a third procedure where they would actually burn the nerve root and I would have an 80-90% chance of no longer having pain. I was like...WHAT???? Why the hell didn't they try this years ago? My doctor didn't say anything to me about what this could possibly end up doing. No pain...I would have no idea what to do with myself. The only thing I've known for the last 8 years has been constant low back pain and in the last year or so, left hip pain. So...the thought of possibly getting rid of my pain is mind blowing. I'm pretty sore right now which they said was normal and I am not going to work tomorrow so that I can just relax. So...fingers crossed!!!!! Hopefully by the end of the year I am pain free with no additional money out of my pocket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Puppy Videos

OK...I tried to put these videos up last night but it wasn't being cooperative. So here we go again... obviously that isn't a video but I couldn't get the darn thing to work. So you will have to settle with another picture of me and the puppy!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

First Bath

Obviously this title doesn't apply to me...LOL. I was told I wasn't doing a very good job keeping this updated and promised my sissy I would post this tonight. So last week I decided it was time for puppy to have a bath. Glenn had to go help a friend of his install some lights so puppy and I had some bonding time. Since we got him, he's tried nothing more than to get into the bathtub. He was full of curiosity as to what was over that ugly pink wall. He learned that the grass isn't pinker on the other side. The second I put him in the tub his little claws just started sliding all over. It was quite comical. The second I poured water on him, he looked like he lost 4 pounds...which is a lot when you only weight ~6 pounds.

That's when the battle began. As hard as he was trying before to get INTO the tub he was trying to get back out. Needless to say he wasn't the only one with water on him. But it was ok. Until I actually got him out and started drying him off. I kind of forgot about "the wet puppy shake."

So he wasn't feeling the towel and was shivering so I busted out the hair dryer. I definitely wish I had that on video. His hair was all wavy after that, but after a good brush out he was all poofy and fluffy again. However apparently it made him a little psycho. I tried to put a video on here but it's not cooperating so I will try and do that tomorrow!