Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving #2, 3, 4 and 5 was officially Thanksgiving. We managed the long drive yesterday with no problems. Kona did fantastic on the drive. He either slept or layed in my lap. Last night I got my hair cut/colored and then we hung out with my dad. Today we all slept in a little and then started the tour of Thanksgiving Day visits. First we stopped by my dad's girlfriends house where Kona tried to make friends with Indi the golden retriever who's 4 times his size. Then we went to my mom's before finally heading to my grandma's. Once there we hung out and played games before finally stuffing ourselves with food. And then we played some more games. A family tradition of "officially inviting someone" into the family is playing a little game called Psychiatrist. Glenn was the Psychiatrist and he played it with good spirits. And I think he figured out "our problem" faster than anyone else has. After a few rounds of Catch Phrase we went over to my Aunt Terri's to visit for a little before heading home for some much needed sleep. I would definitely say that my family's Thanksgiving is a little more dysfunctional but all the same they love me and Glenn just the same. I hope everyone had as good of a day as he did. Happy Gobble Gobble to all!!!!!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Yay! I am glad that he had fun with your family.