Obviously this title doesn't apply to me...LOL. I was told I wasn't doing a very good job keeping this updated and promised my sissy I would post this tonight. So last week I decided it was time for puppy to have a bath. Glenn had to go help a friend of his install some lights so puppy and I had some bonding time. Since we got him, he's tried nothing more than to get into the bathtub. He was full of curiosity as to what was over that ugly pink wall. He learned that the grass isn't pinker on the other side. The second I put him in the tub his little claws just started sliding all over. It was quite comical. The second I poured water on him, he looked like he lost 4 pounds...which is a lot when you only weight ~6 pounds.
That's when the battle began. As hard as he was trying before to get INTO the tub he was trying to get back out. Needless to say he wasn't the only one with water on him. But it was ok. Until I actually got him out and started drying him off. I kind of forgot about "the wet puppy shake."
So he wasn't feeling the towel and was shivering so I busted out the hair dryer. I definitely wish I had that on video. His hair was all wavy after that, but after a good brush out he was all poofy and fluffy again. However apparently it made him a little psycho. I tried to put a video on here but it's not cooperating so I will try and do that tomorrow!
Imagine trying to give a 75 pound or 100 pound lab a bath in the bathtub. Yeah, that is a good time.
The wet puppy shakes are awful. I try to get the dog to do it in the tub with a towel over him. Poor Kona will never try to climb in the tub again.
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